
jeudi 13 août 2015

Android One: Is It Now or Never?

The Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Edge Plus Design

Amazon App Giveaway: $90 of Apps For Free


Goat Simulator, ScribbleNauts, Tiny Scanner Pro and more are free on the Amazon app store today, so hit the link and pick through this game-heavy list for a bit of light entertainment. Just remember that you may need to keep Amazon’s app active on your phone for a few of the titles to load.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | Amazon App Giveaway: $90 of Apps For Free

TouchWiz 5.1.1 Port For The T-Mobile Note 4 (N-910T) Fixes Recents Lag, RAM Issues

from xda-developers » xda-developers | TouchWiz 5.1.1 Port For The T-Mobile Note 4 (N-910T) Fixes Recents Lag, RAM Issues

Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 XDA Forums Are Now Available!

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from xda-developers » xda-developers | Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 XDA Forums Are Now Available!

HTC Desire 526 XDA Forums Are Now Available!

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from xda-developers » xda-developers | Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 XDA Forums Are Now Available!

Galaxy Note 5 & Galaxy S6 Edge+ Forums Now Available

note 5

The Galaxy Note line-up has a big following on XDA, as it has typically offered power-users everything they have always needed in terms of hardware to make the software side shine… and a reason to make that software better due to TouchWiz’s notorious issues in design and performance. This combination made for a thriving community of developers and flashaholics that created some of the best ROMs and mods on XDA.

Now that the Galaxy Note 5 is here to revive the line-up, we expect some developers and power users to jump ship from the still-strong Note 4 and other devices to provide us with more great things to look forward to. Tagging along is the Galaxy S6 Edge+, and they have both received their appropriate forums for everyone to partake in discussion, research and sharing tweaks and mods. If you are a power user looking to get either device, make sure to head to their respective forums to discuss the latest news and to plan or decide your purchase accordingly.


While there are some missing features and compromises that are bound to disappoint most Note fans, we are looking forward to taking a look at the device for ourselves in our upcoming review for an objective judgment. For now, you can visit the forums to clear up any mixed feelings and figure out if this device is worthy of your purchase!


What do you think of these devices so far? Do you expect them to get the same developer treatment previous Samsung phablets had? Let us know below!

from xda-developers » xda-developers | Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 XDA Forums Are Now Available!