
dimanche 30 août 2015

Xposed Module To Fix MobileRadioActive Bug


Lollipop is remembered as the Android version that introduced us to the world of Material Design, bringing on a rather significant change in how Android attempted presentation of UI. What Lollipop is also famous for is the numerous bugs it introduced to an OS that was very close to maturity, and ended up souring what was to be a pleasant UX change.

An Ugly Bug!

MobileRadioActive is amongst one of those bugs from Lollipop that has been affecting a lot of users, and is said to have been fixed in Android Marshmallow. In simple terms, the Android system would keep the mobile radio awake even after mobile data usage had been disabled, thereby causing the device to remain awake. XDA Senior Member Bazoocaze investigated the issue and gave us a lowdown on what was causing this bug:

After some investigation on the issue I found that the BatteryStats service was not receiving the radio power down notification. The investigation lead me to the, where I found that some code was discarding the radio power change notifications after the first radio power on.

The problem is that in the notifyInterfaceClassActivity method is discarding the notifications of radio power change to the BatteryStats (via noteMobileRadioPowerState) if the fromRadio parameter is false after it’s being true some time before.

Even after a detailed analysis, it was unclear what is the real role of the fromRadio parameter. Changing it to true in the calling methods solved the issue in the testing unit (Sony Xperia ZL).

Reproducing this bug is rather simple. All the users have to do is enable mobile data, use it for a short while, and then disable it. After a some time, check for the “Mobile Data Active” time under the apps that were used, which should appear as significantly higher than your usage had been. As a confirmation, the “Cell Standby” option would also show high drain, sometimes even higher than your display’s power usage.

A Nice Fix!

h646hEUReddit user Chronophasia gives us a sample reproduction sample reproduction of this bug, wherein the browser was used for a few minutes only (left image).

Thankfully, XDA Senior Member Bazoocaze has found a fix for the issue. The fix originally comes as a modified CM12.1 build for the Sony Xperia ZL, but thanks to the patches submitted by the dev, it has also been adapted into a universal Xposed module by XDA Senior Member pyler. The fix module is still undergoing tests for further confirmation which is why it is not currently available in the Xposed repo. However, you can still grab the latest version from the forum thread. As an added bonus, a patch has also been submitted to the CyanogenMod for review and should make its way on to nightlies soon.


If you are amongst those suffering from this battery draining bug, give the Xposed module a spin and report back your results in the module thread!

from xda-developers » xda-developers | Xposed Module To Fix MobileRadioActive Bug

samedi 29 août 2015

Saturday Contest: Solve These XDA Riddles and Win Play Store Credit!


This week we are bringing you a fun little contest through which you can win Play Store credit to spend on your favorite or most wanted applications. We’ll be giving out two Play Store credit codes, a $25 one for the winner and a $10 code for whoever ends up in second place. The contest is easy, all you have to do is head into this Google Form and answer our two XDA riddles.

The riddles and answers are related to XDA culture, personalities and applications. Think outside the box and look for clues in our forums, notable member profiles, or simply take a walk down memory lane.

The two riddles are simple, but abstract. You must get both right in the linked form in order to win. The first person to get both right will win the $25 code, and the second one will get the $10 code. Only the first submission under your username will count, so think your answers through!

The riddles are the following:

1 – A Man with a Boot, Searching for a Shirt.

2 – The Wild sound of Freedom.

Submit your answers!

We’ll be giving out clues on our twitter @xdadevelopers, so stay tuned or ask us for tips over there. Otherwise, feel free to discuss the questions in the comments down below.

We’ll be closing down the form tomorrow Sunday at 10 AM ET, so you have time until then to leave your answers. Good luck!


from xda-developers » xda-developers | Saturday Contest: Solve These XDA Riddles and Win Play Store Credit!

[Deal Alert] 1st-Gen Moto 360 (Metal) for $149.99 on Woot!

moto360metal is offering new Moto 360’s with metal bands for $149.99 + $5 shipping while supplies last. The 2nd-gen Moto 360 is on the horizon (in small and large varieties), but now is a good chance to get the old one at a steep discount.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | [Deal Alert] 1st-Gen Moto 360 (Metal) for $149.99 on Woot!

QuickPic Now Owned By Maker of Clean Master

QuickPic Gallery

QuickPic, the highly regarded media gallery for Android, is now a part of Cheeta Mobile alongside the questionably beneficial Clean Master task killer. A new update is in the works, so stay tuned as we watch this ownership change with keen eyes. Official announcement after the jump.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | QuickPic Now Owned By Maker of Clean Master

Surround Sound Mod for the T-Mo Note 5


If you have a T-Mobile Note 5 but find that using the rear speaker is less than ideal, you’re in luck. XDA Forum Member sshafranko has created a flashable zip to activate both the front earpiece speaker and the rear main speaker, resulting in better audio quality when the phone’s screen is facing you.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | QuickPic Now Owned By Maker of Clean Master

Record in 4K for up to an Hour on Your Note 4


XDA Recognized Contributor kevinrocksman has ported his “Project Super Camera on Steroids” mod from the Note 5 to the Note 4. You can now record in 4K for up to an hour, bypassing the one minute limitation imposed by Samsung!

from xda-developers » xda-developers | QuickPic Now Owned By Maker of Clean Master

Designing Android’s UI — What’s New in Marshmallow?

What's New in Android UI Engineering

Googler and Android design advocate Roman Nurik posted a photo album detailing a lot of the new engineering and design that’s gone into Marshmallow. Teasers for new APIs, theming standards, and resources after the jump.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | QuickPic Now Owned By Maker of Clean Master