
lundi 4 avril 2016

L920 wp8.1 update 2 rom?

Hey there! Can anyone post the ffu or firmware files of wp8.1 gdr2 so we can flash it to our 920? The windows insider trick doesn't work, and the other tricks are only for lumias with sdcard

from xda-developers

MMB29X April security update is live !!

On Google factory site !!

Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers mobile app

from xda-developers

Anyone run benchmarks on retail units?

My Verizon unit VS987 came in with these results.


VZ G5 Antutu benchmark

from xda-developers

Lg v10 hard brick after root

I think I just hard bricked my V10,
was trying to root it with tot file and something went wrong, it restarted,

Now I have bootloop on lg screen.

When entering download mode phone says following and reboots automatically.

Secure booting Error
Error code: 1009

So I basically can't access download mode.
Only input I have is, when connected to PC, during bootloop, before it restarts it's visible as COM device

I think i f#@#ked up real bad guys

from xda-developers

Can't unlock bootloader....what am I missing

I'm going nuts here. I use a mac, have had the 6p since preorder (well...since they shipped it) and I haven't had a need for unlocking or rooting (first phone ever to leave it stock) but I've got a few glitches and what not and wanted to flash the newest update released today rather than wait for OTA. Figured a complete wipe can't hurt. unfortunately the fastboot flashing unlock command isn't working. Developer options enabled, OEM unlock tab enabled...usb debugging enabled.....but when I enter ./fastboot flashing unlock this is what I get in terminal (yes mac requires the ./ before any command)
usage: fastboot [ <option> ] <command>

update <filename> reflash device from
flashall flash boot + recovery + system
flash <partition> [ <filename> ] write a file to a flash partition
erase <partition> erase a flash partition
format <partition> format a flash partition
getvar <variable> display a bootloader variable
boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ] download and boot kernel
flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ] create bootimage and flash it
devices list all connected devices
continue continue with autoboot
reboot reboot device normally
reboot-bootloader reboot device into bootloader
help show this help message

-w erase userdata and cache
-s <serial number> specify device serial number
-p <product> specify product name
-c <cmdline> override kernel commandline
-i <vendor id> specify a custom USB vendor id
-b <base_addr> specify a custom kernel base address
-n <page size> specify the nand page size. default: 2048

from xda-developers

Please do not ignore.

I'm asking this for myself and all the others who do not know WHICH ROM IS THE BEST FOR GAMING/PERFORMANCE? Thank you a lot! :good::laugh:

from xda-developers

Gear VR Video Lag

I have been unable to find this issue online, which makes me think I am in a small minority that is experiencing it. I received my Gear VR, and it is a fun piece of equipment, though definitely not something I would have spent money on. I watched some Netflix and it played smoothly, though I saw pixels like people were saying. Nothing that can be done about that.

Here is where I experienced a problem. Oculus video says you can play your own videos from your library. It is true, however, I tried watching an hour long video last night and the video would periodically lag while the audio stayed on pace. As such, the audio got ahead of the video. I was able to remove the headset for a second, put it back on, and continue with everything synced again but it would continue to happen throughout the video. Has anyone experienced this, or know of a way to reduce lag so my videos on the device's drive can run smoothly? It was very annoying, and makes me think the Gear VR will become a paperweight if I cannot resolve this issue.

from xda-developers