Chinese OEM Realme launched the Realme X in India back in July this year and the device quite well received. In a bid to make the device more attractive to buyers, the company then shipped units to custom ROM and kernel developers late last month. Thanks to the company’s proactive support, we saw the release of a LineageOS 16 ROM for the device, along with an unofficial release of the TWRP custom recovery. Third-party development for the device has been on high-gear ever since and we now have the first custom kernel and five more custom ROMs for it.
arter97 kernel for the Realme X
arter97 was among the list of developers to receive a Realme X from the company and thanks to that, we now have the first custom kernel for the device. The artern97 kernel brings several improvements to the device, including better memory management, UFS optimizations, WireGuard support, among other things. It’s worth noting that the kernel has been tested with LineageOS 16 and it doesn’t support stock ColorOS. However, it’s likely to work with other AOSP-flavored ROMs. Try it out on your Realme X by following the link below.
Pixel Experience ROM for the Realme X
Developers have now released an unofficial build of the Pixel Experience ROM based on Android 9 Pie, allowing you to get a taste of stock Android on your device. The AOSP based ROM includes all Google apps and Pixel exclusive features, however, it has some known issues. For instance, the in-display fingerprint scanner on the device will detect your finger, but the overlay doesn’t work. Download the Pixel Experience ROM on your Realme X from the link below.
HavocOS for the Realme X
If you’re not a fan of stock Android, you can also try out HavocOS on your Realme X which features a ton of customization options. The AOSP based ROM also has similar fingerprint sensor-related issues, so I’d advise you to proceed with caution. Much like the Pixel Experience ROM, HavocOS is also based on Android 9 Pie and should support artem97’s custom kernel. Try it out on your device by following the link below.
CandyROM for the Realme X
If customizations are your thing then you can also check out the CandyROM beta for the Realme X which packs in an absolute ton of features. You get access to everything from lock screen personalization options to status bar customization features with this ROM, however, there are some known issues. The fingerprint scanner and video calling via LTE don’t work on the Android 9 Pie-based ROM for now, but these issues should be addressed in following updates. Flash CandyROM on your Realme X by following the link below.
Resurrection Remix ROM for the Realme X
Resurrection Remix, which is one of my favorite ROMs, is now also available for the Realme X. The unofficial release is also based on Android 9 Pie and has similar issues as the aforementioned ROMs. In its current state, you won’t be able to use VoLTE on this ROM and you might face some issues with the fingerprint. It’s also worth noting that there’s no keyboard included on this ROM and you’ll have to download a third-party keyboard to use it. Try it out on your device by following the link below.
Download Resurrection Remix ROM
Android Extended ROM for the Realme X
Lastly, we now also have an unofficial build of the Android Extended ROM for the Realme X based on Android 9 Pie. Unlike all the other ROMs on this list, this ROM has no known issues with the fingerprint scanner or VoLTE. However, you might encounter a bug with the WiFi hotspot feature. Thankfully, the developer has included a fix in the post, which you can follow to avoid this altogether. Download Android Extended ROM on your phone from the link below.
The post Realme X Development Updates: First Custom Kernel and 5 new ROMs are available appeared first on xda-developers.
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