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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est xda-developers » xda-developers | An intro to Brillo. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 27 octobre 2015

An intro to Brillo, the Android-based OS for the Internet of Things

internet of things

At Google I/O 2015, Google introduced their OS for the “Internet of Things” (IoT) – Brillo. Based on Android, Brillo is designed to operate on many home appliances. When combined with Weave, a communication layer that bridges the gap between Brillo devices, your home will truly become interconnected. Today the Google Developers channel has posted an introduction to Brillo, aimed at developers looking to build on their platform for the IoT.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | An intro to Brillo, the Android-based OS for the Internet of Things

Doze Mode – An In-Depth Look


Doze mode was introduced in Marshmallow to maximize battery savings, but little is known about how it works. That’s why XDA Senior Member italia0101 researched Doze mode, and discovered you could use adb shell to dump the parameters that control it. It may be possible to eventually modify Doze to further optimize battery life savings. For now, it’s definitely worth subscribing to the thread to see any future Doze-related discoveries.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | An intro to Brillo, the Android-based OS for the Internet of Things

Chromecast Audio on any Portable Speaker System

Chromecast Audio

Chromecast Audios are supposed to only work indoors with a stable WiFi connection, but luckily an enterprising redditor has come up with a solution that should work for any portable speaker system. The set-up seems convoluted, and it would probably be easier to just hook your phone up directly via auxiliary, but if you’re looking for bluetooth audio without having to make your phone stationary, give this guide a shot.

from xda-developers » xda-developers | An intro to Brillo, the Android-based OS for the Internet of Things