
samedi 28 février 2015

[Kernel][D802][F2FS] Efficient Kernel 1.0.0a - AOSP LOLLIPOP - Based on B14CKB1RD

Our goal : battery life, performance and optimization

I ntroduction

Every smartphone's user has the same problem. The battery life and the reactivity of the system. Not anymore with our kernel based on the great B14CKB1RD.

Our Kernel offer today probably the best compromise between these two points. Enjoy it ! :highfive:

This kernel will never have 30 governors or something. We want a light, fast and stable kernel.

F eatures

Based on the B14CKB1RD Kernel (include all features/optimizations from this kernel)

Governors available : Bacon, Dancedance, Intelliactive, interactive, Ondemand, Optimax, Performance and Wheatley (we are working for including the EfficientDemand governor)

F2FS Support

Smooth optizimation

Some debug/statistics disabled

Built with our custom Linaro

Battery Optimizations (especially in suspend mod)
Graphite Optimizations



Bricked Thermal



Sound Control GPL 3.5

Stereo Call Recording Support

ARM Optimizations

Enhanced Power Efficiency

Dynamic Read Ahead

Dynamic FSYNC

Lot of optimizations

Fast Charge

O ur recommended settings :

  • LG G2 D802 :cowboy:

  • Sabersunset Beta 1.7

  • Efficient Kernel 1.0.0a

  • Xposed for Lollipop with the Amplify module to block alarms and wakelocks (really important)

  • We use TricksterMod with these settings :

  • Bacon governor

  • 50mv(-) to all steps (try 37.5(-) first)

  • Fiops / 2048

  • Westwood

  • 300/2265600 mhz (min/max)

  • multi-core economy : 1

With this configuration, we lost 2% in 9hours on standby with wifi and synchronisation (gmail, whatsapp, messenger ...).

Screen on time : 7:40hours with moderate usage of Wifi, 30 min of Youtube , lot of Whatsapp, lot of internet (with Chrome), brightness@50%.

D ownloads



Mega link :

C hangelogs


02.28.2015 :

First Release

N ext release


We are working for the EfficientDemand governor for the best compromise between battery life and performance !
The kernel will be much updated with a lot of optimizations; we are currently working for a really slight, fast and stable kernel.


All credits goes to
REV3NT3CH for his amazing kernel

A bout (in work)


S ources

from xda-developers


Can't Fix IMEI at GT-I9300

Hi all

i have international version GT-I9300

i did lots of search here and on google to fix this issue,

i tried almost every thing in the forum, nothing works for me

i still can't access the network, IMEI appears as 00499......

serial no is ok

can some upload to me his backed original EFS folder,

i will try to and edit IMEI with hex app and replace it with mine and hope to works again

Thanks in advance

from xda-developers


Unlock device - Call history screen?

Hi All.

Currently facing a problem which Moto can't seam to help with.

The device is stock out of the box and is approx 8 hours old.

Every time i press the power button then unlock the device, it brings up the speed dial screen. This is even if its on Facebook, Gmail, when i press the power off button, press it again, unlock the device it brings the speed dial screen up.

I'm sure i'm missing something simple, tried a cache reset but just keep getting a no command screen, and even hard reset the device.

Many thanks

from xda-developers


[Q] hide tether

Hi just recently the three company changed my sim plan's terms of agreement, that limits tethering to 2GB a month with the mobile network data. I do have a all-u-can-eat data plan just that in three's unquestionable wisdom they decided to limit tethering.

Does anyone know of any good apps or ways using command lines etc. of hiding my tethering activity? This may of been answered, but I'm a noob so....

My smartphone is a Chinese clone of the Galaxy Note 3, Star N9000, (I just rooted so i guess that will help) android version 4.4.2

Any replies will be appreciated cheers :D

from xda-developers


Sprint ehrpd network type

So I have a Sprint Moto X that is stuck in cdma-ehrpd mode. Because of this I can't connect to LTE.

I've exhausted all of my attempts at fixing this including factory resets, APN editing and flashing SBF files using RSD and manually flashing.

I'm just wondering if any other Sprint users or Moto X users have ever experienced this or know what can be done to get my LTE back before sending it to Sprint to get fixed.

I am rooted and using Xposed (only for Gravity Box). Any suggestions would be appreciated.

from xda-developers


MHL + HD externo

Hello there!

I'm into a little project and maybe somebody can help. First of all: if this thread is in a wrong place, forgive me.

So, the idea:

Connect my Galaxy Mega (I9200) into a smart tv (Sony Bravia) and use Kodi (ex-XBMC).

This part is done. I got a MHL cable, who connect into HDMI and one USB port to give energy power to my smart, and so keep my baterry always full.

And it's working beautifuly, in full 1080.

So.. This is the hard part:

I have one external harddisk (1TB M3) that I REALLY wanna connect on my samsung too. Yes, I know, it's only one USB port on my Galaxy, and that's the deal.

I wanna do that because I wanna my galaxy like a server too. So I'm gonna download my video using the Android into the HD and show it on my TV.

Any ideas?

I really don't wanna have my PC always on with HD connected and sharing.

IF ANYONE have ideas to share my HD from the TV (SONY) or from the Home Theater (Samsung) it's could be amazing too.

Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks lol

from xda-developers


[Q] Micro SD card problem?

Hi developers..!

Port a ROM for Wave 1 but not read micro sd card. :(

What could be the problem. :confused:

Thanks & Regards

from xda-developers