
mardi 31 mars 2015

yoga tablet 2 pro 13.3 - charging issue


Two weeks ago I bought a wonderful tablet Lenovo Yoga 2 pro.

Amazing tablet, and the built-in projector is just a bonus in addition to his other great features.

The tablet comes with a powerful battery and a quick charger.

But, after only a week since I bought it suddenly it stopped charging quickly as normal.

and now even with the original charger it charged only 1-2% per hour. It also does not display the battery charging icon above.

And another thing, Connecting a data cable / OTG also does not work (this is the same socket connection).

It happened after a night it was connected to a charger. And and a day after I was connecting a dok OTG.

What do you think it could be ... I am desperate for help

I think it could be two directions of issues, or programmed settings of the USB socket somehow got stuck in the mode that takes power.

Or otherwise that the socket is screwed hardwarely.

(I'm not giving it back to Lenovo's responsibility since I bought it in the United States on a trip and now I have returned to Israel ...


Thanks to all who help.

from xda-developers


CF Auto Root for Tmo S6

Anyone else try @Chainfire cf-autoroot yet for the SMG920T?

I have tried several times and Odin keeps stopping at NAND Write Start and nothing I try can get it to go past that point.

from xda-developers


[Q] Change camera app on shutter button?


So I'm wondering how I change the behaviour of the shutter button to open up a different app.

I've got root already.


from xda-developers


When will the new forum for moto x pro(xt1115)

At last day of March, moto started to sell the nexus 6's bro, moto x pro in China. But its spec is different. So when will the new forum come?

Sent from my Moto X Pro using XDA Free mobile app

from xda-developers


[Q] Help connecting to a linux laptop?

I've tried connecting to my laptop using elementary os (based off ubuntu 12.04 core) and Ubuntu 14.04

I can use usb drives fine, but it will not connect to my kindle. I've tried installing gMTP and Calibre which seems to help other kindle users, but doesn't appear to help the HDX.

Those using Linux, please offer some suggestions.

from xda-developers


[review] Love Mei lg g3 case

So after reading many bad reviews i give a try and i bought Love Mei case.

Im very impressed. Yes, case is really big and a little hevy but i like it. I dont like skinny cases so for me its a plus. Another pros. is awesome looking and color. I choose yellow and its really deep and high visibility.

If you don't know its metal case with good quality rubber.

Screen is very sensitive and feel much much better then every screen or case i ever used on G3 or other phones. Its awesome, i would like to be all day on phone because touch is awesome smooth and nice.

What isn't true what you can read everywhere :

Sound quality - you can find many reviews about poor sound / voice quality or mic/speaker. Its not true.

Sound is like without case if not better :0

Poor quality material - another BS. This case is very high quality, nice rubber and metal. Screws are like screws, small and easy to unscrew.

Signal strength - i don't notice any signal change. For better or worst i have the same signal strength. Its another BS

What i think is people bought this case from amazon or other wired store and they get fake/damaged case because even otterbox defender which i had lasts months can lick love mei "screws". Now i feel like Otterbox is low quality and everything what you can read about love mei.

Or 2nd option is somebody doesn't want lost costumer like very popular and liked otterbox, describing love mei as worst ever made case.

Thanks God i bought Love Mei and throw out cheap otterbox.

I prefer buy from love mei store or good eBay seller. I know amazon can sell fake products. I get shocked when i bought RayBan sunglasses. I checked amazon reviews and found pictures compared fake from Amazon and original from RayBan store. On pic. My ( also from RayBan store) were looks like his original and fake just like wow. After that i change mind and i try buy from manufacture / original store or good eBay seller with return.

Love Mei case I buy from http://

Received a day before estimated.

But i found 2 cons. First is small which doesn't botter and dont care.

If you like love mei case go for it.

from xda-developers


[Q] No OS installed, stuck on Boot

Hello guys,

at first i like to thank everyone for their effort to "open the mind" of the hima. i appreciate your work.

Now to my problem: i got a "live demo unit", which i want to flash with a stock firmware. In this Demo-Mode are necessary options blocked (e.g. adjusting brightness) and theres always a demo displayed on the sleep of the device.

At first, i started to unlock the bootloader and flashed twrp. Until this point everything went fine. I just tried to flash a firmware from this post via twrp and thought, that the flashing is only possible with the stock recovery, as adb sideload didn't worked for me. So i decided to reflash the stock recovery. From this pointit's not possible to boot anymore. i can only access the bootloader & download mode. the stock recovery is running, but can't mount the data from the internal storage an tells something about that he can't access to it. Now i reflashed twrp after relocking & unlocking again the bootloader. i would hopefully try at next to flash a custom rom via twrp.

Any hints by now? Everything would be helpful....and btw: sorry for my bad english :eek:

from xda-developers


[Q] Apps don´t show when moving to system/app

I´ve got a problem, when I move apps from data/app to system/app and reboot the system, in the boot my phone dont shows "upgrading app x of x", so, it don´t recognize 'em, could be this problem of the ROM? of is something different about this in Andrid 5.1? I have a Moto E with CM 12.1 and Alpha Kernel

from xda-developers


The END Phone Call Button...Why didn't anyone Think of this?

It is extremely rare for me to post in this forum. Generally I am posting in ROM/dev sections, but this is something that I should have posted a long time ago.

I have searched on Google, to the best of my ability, and have not been able to find like-minded people on this, so I am hoping the popularity of XDA will make this issue much more well known than it currently is and shed some light so Developers may be able to offer a solution for everyone.

The BIGGEST Annoyance to date that I have encountered in Android phones so far has been that HUGE GREAT BIG RED END Button.

This humongous Red End button can be found in EVERY Rom I have used. Whether it is Stock or Custom, it is everywhere, on every device, and there is no way to escape it.

The Scenario where this Annoyance plays out:

You are in the middle of something, when the phone rings, and its that important call you are expecting but you cannot stop your work, sifting through papers, typing up a document, or whatever you may be doing. You are in this important call, and you go to Switch your Ear, or Switch to the other Hand, and as you do, the phone senses you have moved the phone away from your ear, the screen comes back on, and CLICK! You just hung up on the other person. Depending on who the other person is, and at which point in the conversation you were, this can be portrayed as an insult. It is a BIG Problem the effect of which is a Psychological one. The way your Conversation was headed, the Momentum of this conversation, it is NEVER the same when you Reconnect with that person again. It has a detrimental effect. Yet I cannot believe that no one has been able to explain this or post on it, and no one has worked on a solution that I am sure annoys millions of people daily.

I would like to put this out here, for everyone, and everyone is more than welcome to Post your story or incident that cost you big time because of the Big Red End button.

Also, I am not looking for Solutions, there are many I am aware of,

1) Turn off your screen when in a call

2) Press home button when in a call and exit to main screen

3) Use Blue tooth

But there is a Best Solution that hits this problem right where it is, This is the Solution that NO ONE, Not 1 single Manufacturer has Incorporated into their Roms, Not 1 Dev has made in their ROM.

PRESS AND HOLD the Giant Ugly Red End Call button to End the Phone Call. Done! That is the real solution. It can work WITH the above solutions, but that my friends is the Real solution.

Pressing and Holding the Giant Annoying Red END button is Deliberate Act. It means you KNOW you are hanging up on this person. And it also means you INTEND to be RUDE rather than Accidentally being Rude. This solution will ensure that your phone call Continues, and Does not throw you off from making a good negotiation with the party you are having a conversation with.

Thank you for your time. Moderators, Please do move this thread if you feel this is not the best place for it, to the appropriate place. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening.

from xda-developers


Relock bootloader fail

I use fashtool, it say relock success. When I check, it's still unlocked....

I retry unlock and relock procedures, but no success....any help??

from xda-developers


[Q] Bypass Galaxy S3 password

Okay, I'm not only new to this forum, but I am also inexperienced with Android software, and the exploits thereof. Here's the run down: I have reason to believe that my wife is either cheating on me, or very much considering it. While I am not able to navigate computers very well, I am able to navigate people's behavior quite well, and she is showing a lot of red flags that indicate to me that she is being deceptive, and that she may possibly be up to something with someone at work (which I don't have ready access to.) She has my old GS3 (No service, just wifi) and has recently been particularly occupied with it.

I put a keylogger on the computer and grabbed her passwords, but nothing is showing up. She has been deleting her messages, and has been using the private browser setting on the computer. I believe everything that is pertinent to the matter at hand is on that phone. Earlier today, I managed to guess her password while she was in the shower, but had to close shop quickly, due to her coming out. She must've had a trap set, seeing as she has since changed the password, and now I am stuck back at square one.

I tried guessing her password based off of her recent and past interests, favorite things, etc, but have been unsuccessful. What I need is a way to bypass her password, while leaving it intact, either through manual manipulation of the device, or through wifi. My PC is (unfortunately) Vista, and I don't know if she has google play activated on that phone or not. I don't know what she has going on on there, otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

I don't want ANY trace of me being there. If I find something, I will make it very apparent that I know about it. If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it.

from xda-developers


Need some guidance on flashing NE5, so I can Towelroot.

Alright, I'm sorry for this, but I've spent a good many hours reading and trying to figure this out, but I haven't come across anything that spells it out in a way I'm comfortable with. I'm trying to root and maintain my knox warranty, so I can tweak and use Xposed, and it seems the only way for me to do that is flash an older kernel, use towelroot, then flash back to the newer kernel.

Here's where I think I'm at: Stock Sprint S5 on 4.4.4. That means I have the NK4 kernel, and to use Towelroot, I have to flash the NE5 kernel, correct? Then once I get root, I can flash back to NK4, ending up with a rooted stock phone, with warranty still valid?

This is where I'm not sure how to proceed. I've downloaded ODIN 3.10, the samsung USB drivers, and the NE5 and NK4 kernel zip files (which both contain a boot.img file and META-INF folder). Once I install the USB drivers and ODIN, I'm not sure how to then use ODIN get the right kernel flashed.

A video, or nudges in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

from xda-developers


[MOD] [Z2/Z3] [LOLLIPOP] Navbar size | Modded dialer

I just want to share some small modifications that I made for me and for some new friend :D

Works only with lollipop by sony and you NEED ROOT access to replace these system files.

Since we have no recovery yet don't blame me if you have to re-flash with flashtool because a bootloop occurs, it should not happen in this case because every single file is tested personally by me but you must be careful.

Both modifications are tested only with my z3 but I'm pretty sure they'll work also for the z2 as everything seems to be the same.

  • Navbar size

    Just the height of your navigation bar:

    Navbar previews

    In order they are: 48dpi - 42dpi - 36dpi - 30dpi

    In the attachment you can find all the versions except for the first one that is at stock (48) dpi.

  • Dialer mod

    I modified the dialer call icon in order to follow the accent of your current theme :victory:

    These are the two variants, the first with no letters next to the numbers and the second with small letters:

    Phonebook no chars Phonebook small chars

    Both downloads in the attachments


To install these modded app you must put the apk ( contained inside the zip file ) in its specific path and replace the original file giving 0644 permissions, then reboot.

For the navbar the path is /system/framework/

For the Phonebook the path is /system/priv-app/Phonebook/

Warning: framework-res.apk is odexed ( you need the arm folder with .odex file inside ) but Phonebook.apk is deodexed. I left them both as they are in the stock Sony firmware for the z3.

I must say thank you to: niaboc79, Rajeev, Ambor

from xda-developers


[ROM] v5.1 GamerROM 5 BETA v1.4.4 For SPH-L720 Sprint Released: 3/30/15

GR Series

Welcome an update is finally here and ready to install the new version includes new performance improvements and fixes


What's Broken:

* Video Recording (Does Not Save Recorded Video)

Download: Download Via ROMHut

WARNING: this update will not format your internal storage.

NOTE FOR THEMERS: now developers who are experienced with theming can update or build their cm themes for lollipop or this rom enjoy developing

Development Status: Active

We have to give Credit for the kernel to: FitsUgly without his kernel my rom wouldnt if been possible (reason i had limitations of pc so usally when i build my os i dnt have time to make my kernel)

Note: this rom has a gapps package in the flasher witch means the flasher intalls to os first with no gapps, then it access a folder named "gapps" to flash the package next so you dont have to, its a minimal package and we did it like that so it dowsnt infinge googles terms with Cyanogenmod.

Im also Cyberdev i just signed up on xda with google login cause i forgot the password and email password to it.

XDA:DevDB Information

GamerROM OS, ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4



Source Code:

ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop

ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x

Based On: CyanogenMod

Version Information

Status: Nightly

Current Stable Version: v1.4.4

Stable Release Date: 2015-03-30

Current Beta Version: v1.4.4

Beta Release Date: 2015-03-30

Created 2015-04-01

Last Updated 2015-03-31

from xda-developers


Arriving 4/1/15

Just got notification that mine will be here, YEAH! :eek:

from xda-developers


anyway of updating from LMY47D to LMY47I

is there anyway for me to update to LMY47I from LMY47D. i dont wanna unlock my bootloader or wipe the data on my phone just wanna update to LMY47I. is there anyway of me doing this?

from xda-developers


Mlais M52 Red Note Review in Progress

My review in progress on the Mlais M52 Red Note is up! First impressions of this phone are very favourable, so far, its looking good! This might just be the most perfect phone for cheap China has released to date!


I will update the review as I complete further testing of the phone.

from xda-developers


Note 3 - Not connecting to my network

I have a Galaxy Note 3 with a problem. When i put my sim card in, it asks for SIM PIN and I type it. Then I get "Emergency Calls Only" or "No service. It wont connect to my SIM CARD NETWORK.*

I have tried/Things I know

-Checking Network Operator and select network from there. Tried also "Select Automatically" still nothing happend. It pops out " Registred on network" but it is not.

- I have changed Network Mode from "LTE/WCDMA/GSM" to "WCDMA/GSM", then!! My network comes up in 5 seconds and go to normal again "Emergency Calls only"*

- My IMEI is not blacklisted! It comes up on screen when typing *#06#.

- MY PHONE connects to the 4G perfectly! I get internet to surf from my SIM CARD! It means the phone is actually connected to the phone. BUT why dont it connect to the operator so I can call?

- Also I have saved contacts on my sim card and then sync to the phone, that means that the SIM is connected to the phone.

This is not a hardware problem, I changed the antenna, but still the same problem happend. I believe this is a software problem.

Everything I change between Network Modes, my NetworkOperator came up in the top corner left in 5 seconds and then went to "No service/Emergency calls only"

I have also factory reseted and installed stock firmware from my country.

Android Lollipop

Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Free mobile app

from xda-developers


Tether without root

Anyone figure out tether without root on the Sprint S6. I have this on the Nexus 5, and hopefully we can figure out how to get it to work on S6 without root as well.

from xda-developers


Use External screen cable with mouse/keayboard

Does anyone know if its possible to use my phone with an external monitor and a usb keyboard mouse all together?

from xda-developers


Trade a Moto X for a Nexus 4

Hello everyone! Short story: I moved from a Galaxy Nexus to a Moto X. I really like the device, although, I'm still waiting for Lollipop. The update is really delayed, and it's gonna be 5.0.2, aaand I know 5.0.2 has several bugs here and there.

I could just flash CM 12 but when it comes to flashing things, I miss my old GNexus.

So I can trade my Moto X for a Nexus 4. The question is, does it really worth it? What you guys think? I need some advices here.

Thank you!

from xda-developers


cf AUTO root problem HELP!

tried to root my phone and ran CF auto root...everything went smooth with odin but not phone is stuck on boot screen and i cant boot into recovery....only download mode.

from xda-developers


[Q] is there a rom, or kernel etc with a working Usb Mass Storage?

is there a rom, or kernel etc with a working Usb Mass Storage?

from xda-developers


[Q] How does Android Kitchen port ROMs?

How does dsixda's Android Kitchen port ROMs? I need to know every file that the Kitchen ports.

I am also using a MediaTek device.

from xda-developers


[Q] Screen problems after flash

Hey all. My G2 was hard bricked to a point where it didn't even turn on, but with aftabalam8c2's help I could get it to a state where I could flash the phone. I flashed it with a 10b tot image, but after flashing I instantly noticed that the screen has many problems: sometimes it doesn't respond and there are random ghost touches all the time, even when I don't touch the screen. I double checked all connections, made a factory reset, flashed a 20h kdz image and updated touch screen software, but nothing helped.

A week before the brick, I had changed the screen, but everything was working perfectly until the bricking.

I am quite desperate, because the phone is completely unusable right now and I don't know what else to do. :rolleyes:

You can see a video of the screen problems here.

from xda-developers


Lollipop for Family Mobile?

Hey everyone,

I got my G3 last summer through AT&T (D850 model), but recently switched it over to Family Mobile (which is run by T-Mobile). I've been wanting to upgrade to Lollipop but have been unsure how to go about it. Do I need to manually download and install the D850 files for Lollipop? Or should I wait for T-Mobile to push the update OTA to my phone? I'm worried the second option won't happen because my phone isn't the TMo model (D851). Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

from xda-developers


[Q] Process for restoring stock ROM

What is the process for restoring the stock ROM? I did a backup of my ROM using CWM before installing Cyanogen. Everything is running fine (with Cyanogen), but now that I've seen how easy it is to install custom ROMs, now I want to bounce around and compare different things. To restore my stock ROM, is it literally just a simple case of doing a wipe/factory-reset, using CWM to restore, and then rebooting? That's it?

Or is there more to it?

from xda-developers


Screen Not Turning off After Auto-Hibernate on OnePlus One

I even tried to update to the newest beta, but that does not help either. Phone is not rooted.

from xda-developers


[GEEHRC][5.1.0][OFFICIAL] Resurrection Remix LP v5.4.0

Hello! My question is this .. This option does not work? Try factory reset but nothing happens .. Thanks! Regards (sorry for my bad English)

from xda-developers


Please help

Hello, could anyone please share detailed guide how to get rooted lollipop with working recovery and xposed, im atm. 77 rooted, ul bl,. Tryed many guides didnt work.. Please help. Would be nice with dl links. Thank you all!!!

Sent from my D5803 using XDA Free mobile app

from xda-developers


[Q] Downgrade bootloader


is it possible to go back from lollipop bootloader to the kitkat bootloader without problems and if yes where can i find the right motoboot.img? Thanks.

from xda-developers


Can't change plan, Verizon says unrecognized device

Trying to change my plan, but getting an error on the site. Had to call customer service, they say they can't change my plan because their system doesn't recognize my phone.

from xda-developers


Real or fake? Anyone have any idea?

How to Root your Android Sony Xperia Z3v Easily ?:

from xda-developers


Best Rooting/Unlocking/Recovery advice

got my nexus 6 (t mobile) coming on Friday. whats the best rooting method? Any all in one tools that flash recovery and everything? Also, with Tmobile, they have the 5 gig lock on tethering even though its unlimited 4g. Does rooting and Roming help with that?

from xda-developers


Stamina Mode Z Ultra c6802

Hello everyone I have a concern about stamina mode. when enable it works fine especially at home when on Wi-Fi and it works on mobile network too but when I go to work from home some how stamina mode does not disable Wi-Fi and does not enable mobile network therefore loosing my internet. I don't know if anybody has this problem and how can I fix it:confused: thank you:o

from xda-developers


[ROM] v5.1 GamerROM 5 BETA v1.4.4 For SCH-R970 U.S Cellular Update Released: 3/31/15

Welcome an update is finally here and ready to install the new version includes new performance improvements and fixes


What's Broken:

* Video Recording (Does Not Save Recorded Video)

Download v5.1 Stable Build:

WARNING: this update will not format your internal storage.

NOTE FOR THEMERS: now developers who are experienced with theming can update or build their cm themes for lollipop or this rom enjoy developing

Development Status: Active

We have to give Credit for the kernel to: FitsUgly without his kernel my rom wouldnt if been possible (reason i had limitations of pc so usally when i buiod my os i dnt have time to make my kernel)

Note: this rom has a gapps package in the flasher witch means the flasher intalls to os first with no gapps, then it access a folder named "gapps" to flash the package next so you dont have to, its a minimal package and we did it like that so it dowsnt infinge googles terms with Cyanogenmod.

Im also Cyberdev i just signed up on xda with google login cause i forgot the password and email password to it.

XDA:DevDB Information

GamerROM OS, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S 4



Source Code:

ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop

ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x

Based On: CyanogenMod

Version Information

Status: Nightly

Current Stable Version: v1.4.4

Stable Release Date: 2015-03-31

Current Beta Version: v1.4.4

Beta Release Date: 2015-03-31

Created 2015-04-01

Last Updated 2015-03-31

from xda-developers


LG G2 Lollipop LG Apps APK (VS98039A)


Hello everyone. The Lollipop update recently came out and I want to provide you with all of the new LG apps that come with the update. Have any other LG apks you want here? Am I missing some LG apps? Please comment below and your request will be fulfilled. I will be updated the apk files as new updates come out. Thanks! :)


3/31/15 - Most apk files are not ready yet. Please check back within the coming days or even tonight. I am very busy. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Instructions: Every download link below is a zip file.

1 - Download the zip to your computer and extract. Inside the folder will be ONE OR MORE apk files. YOU MUST INSTALL ALL.

2 - Plug your phone into your computer and move all of the apk files somewhere on your phone. On your phone install ES File Explorer from the Play Store.

3 - Open ES File Explorer and browse to the location where you put the apk files.

4 - Select them and click installl.


Apk Files:

The apk files below are from the VS98039A update with Android 5.0.2. When there are new updates in the future the apk files will be updated. :)

LG Flashlight Widget: Coming soon...

LG Notebook: Coming soon...

LG Weather:

LG Camera: Coming soon...

LG Alarm Clock: Coming soon...

LG Calculator: Coming soon...

LG Calendar: Coming soon...

LG Contacts: Coming soon...

LG Email: Coming soon...

LG File Manager: Coming soon...

LG Gallery: Coming soon...

LG Memo: Coming soon...

LG Music: Coming soon...

LG Polaris Office: Coming soon...

LG Remote: Coming soon...

LG Tasks: Coming soon...

LG Video: Coming soon...

LG Video Editor: Coming soon...

from xda-developers


Lp update out

If you’ve got an LG G3 from T-Mobile, then you can update to Android 5.0 right this second.LG G3T-MobileLG

from xda-developers


Explanation of build.prop Values

Have you ever wondered what the different things in build.prop mean? Well, I compiled a list of all of the properties and explained almost all of the lines and what they do. This build.prop is from the Nexus 6 running Android 5.1, but these values should apply to just about every device. If any of these descriptions are incorrect, If you see any that don't have a description in blue and you know what it does, or there are other properties you know of, let me know!





import /oem/oem.prop ro.config.ringtone Imports carrier ringtones

import /oem/oem.prop ro.config.notification_sound Imports notification sounds

import /oem/oem.prop ro.config.alarm_alert Imports alarm tones

import /oem/oem.prop ro.config.wallpaper Imports wallpapers

import /oem/oem.prop ro.config.wallpaper_component Imports wallpapers

import /oem/oem.prop ro.oem.* Imports various other properties

import /oem/oem.prop oem.* Imports various other properties

# begin build properties

# autogenerated by Build ID The build ID displayed in the About menu Version of the SDK used for android version Type of build (REL=Release) Type of build (REL=Release) Android version Feb 22 04:00:49 UTC 2015 When the current ROM was compiled Build date in the UTC format Type of build (user=General public; userdebug=like user, but with root; eng=build for testing ROMS not for public) Who built the ROM Server that built the ROM Tags to identify the build for developers Compound of device and build type

ro.product.model=Nexus 6 Marketing name for the device

ro.product.brand=google Seller of the device (Most of the time the manufacturer, but Google for Nexus devices Device's codename

ro.product.device=shamu Device's codename

ro.product.board=shamu Device's board type (Generally used for LTE and wifi-only versions of a device)

# ro.product.cpu.abi and ro.product.cpu.abi2 are obsolete,

# use ro.product.cpu.abilist instead.

ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a Specific CPU type

ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi General CPU type

ro.product.cpu.abilist=armeabi-v7a,armeabi All binary types capable of being run on the CPU

ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a,armeabi 32 bit binary types that can be run on the CPU

ro.product.cpu.abilist64= 64 bit binary types that can be run on the CPU (Only if the device is 64 bit capable)

ro.product.manufacturer=motorola Device's manufacturer

ro.product.locale.language=en Default Language

ro.product.locale.region=US Default region

ro.wifi.channels= WiFi channels the device can utilize

ro.board.platform=msm8084 Processor model number

# is obsolete; use ro.product.device Same as ro.product.device

# Do not try to parse description, fingerprint, or thumbprint 5.1 LMY47E 1748839 release-keys Description of ROM build ROM information Various device characteristics

# end build properties




ro.config.ringtone=Titania.ogg Default ringtone

ro.config.notification_sound=Tethys.ogg Default notification sound

ro.config.alarm_alert=Oxygen.oggDefault alarm sound Default date format Default data roaming setting Legal information Privacy policy

ro.carrier=unknown Carrier the phone was built for Wifi networks Android watches for ms Where error logs are sent to for system apps

ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode=1 Allow enterprise specific setup in the setup wizard





media.aac_51_output_enabled=true Monitors the rotation of the device for devices with stereo speakers to properly output left and right channels

ro.opengles.version=196609 Version of OpenGLES

ro.sf.lcd_density=560 Display's pixel density

persist.hwc.mdpcomp.enable=true Use hardware acceleration for graphics

rild.libpath=/system/vendor/lib/ Library path for radio interface layer to interact with Android Keep SIM state on LPM mode Determines if the phone should wait until the SIM card is ready

persist.ims.disableDebugLogs=1 Disable IMS debug logs Enable or disable open socket for carrier used for quality control

persist.qcril_uim_vcc_feature=1 Enable or disable UICC (Universal Integrated Circuit Card) for GSM and UMTS networks

ro.telephony.default_cdma_sub=0 0=Use SIM card to authenticate with CDMA network; 1=Use ESN to authenticate with CDMA network

ro.telephony.default_network=10 Default networks to use (10 uses any available network technology compatible with the inserted SIM card)

telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice=1 If the device is CDMA capable, specifies whether it has LTE capability reload modem partition from backup of fsg partition to MODEMST1




















keyguard.no_require_sim=true Keyguard does not require a SIM by default

drm.service.enabled=true Enable DRM decoding abilities if included in ROM


ro.facelock.det_timeout=1500 Face detection timeout


ro.facelock.lively_timeout=2500 Timeout for detecting life in the detected face


ro.facelock.use_intro_anim=false Enable facelock intro animation Specify whether to use the Dalvik or ART runtime. (DO NOT USE DALVIK ON ANDROID 5.0 AND UP)


dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y Name the device uses to identify itself on a network

dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt Location of Dalvik trace file

net.tethering.noprovisioning=true If set to true, the device will not check if the device is allowed to tether

from xda-developers


[Q] Nexus 5 broken LCD

Managed to crack my Nexus 5 (red) LCD.

Any reliable supplier for a new one?

I've disassembled the broken one from the frame and just need the lcd+touch+bezel "glued" set.

(Well initially I just had broke the outter glass and the digitizer/LCD were working fine, until I tried to remove the broken Glass and managed to crack the LCD at 75% of the work done :( )

from xda-developers


BRICKED? Stuck in bootloop?

Alright, so I ****ed up to the max

I wanted to install cyanogen mod, i unlocked the bootloader, and installed twrp, i then attempted to root because twrp was not able to backup or wipe, but i then realized that android was stuck in bootloop.

For some really stupid reason i decided to relock the bootloader.

So now, I have twrp that cant do anything, a locked bootloader, and a non working android rom, and i cant unlock the bootloader again because of the checkmark in developer options that I cannot get to because i cant even load it.

Someone please help

from xda-developers


What if you crack the screen and the new 24mm monolink metal band

Did anyone had the screen cracked? How much is it to fix it? I ordered a glass screen protector but it changes the design and visibility and I don't know if it's worth it to use it.

Also, did anyone already got the recently released 24mm monolink metal band?


from xda-developers


[Q] cm11 Ultra dark screen

Hi all,

Just downgraded from cm12 to cm11, no xposed was a pain. I am getting a super dark screen, barely visible after i lock the device. it didn't do this last night when i went to cm11, nor did it do it in cm12. Turning it off and on again seems to 'fix' the problem until i lock the screen again. Is there any solution to this?

thanks for your help.

from xda-developers


[Q] Can't get wireless Xbox 360 controller to be recognized?

Hi, I've got a bit of an issue.

I'm trying to use a wireless Xbox 360 controller to play gamesd on my Lg G2.

The device is rooted, running stock Android 4.2.2, and is the At&T model.

This is my setup: Xbox 360 wireless reciever (aftermarket, but it confirmed works on my pc),

connected to a USB-OTG cable (confirmed working, with a usb drive, keyboard, and mouse),

connected to the micro USB port on my device (again, confirmed working).

The LED's on the reciever light up, and I can "pair" my controller with it, but after "paring", all four lights on the controller are still blinking, and my phone does not recognize it as a controller.

I've searched around, and could not find much help on this topic for this device.

If anyone knows what's going wrong here, any help would be appreciated.


from xda-developers


Root HTC desire 620 single sim

I have the htc desire 620 single sim android 4.4.4 is there away to root this phone I just want to use Xmas game 😢

from xda-developers



Um, maybe it's a stupid question but is the InteractiveX governor ramp up to highest possible maximum frequency or just to User maximum configuration freq? Im asking because it is not stated.

from xda-developers


[Q] Problem with my g3

Hey guys,

I got a little problem:

Got this amazing LG G3 on 4.4.3; got it rooted. Updated to 5.0, got stuck in a boot-loop. Tried couple of things :cowboy::cowboy: and now im stuck on the reboot

Saying this:

[690] Fastboot mode started

[780] - reset -

[780] - portchange -

[920] fastboot: processing commands


I can access download mode.

I've tried using the LGFlash tool to flash the tot file using my Rogers D852 files - the tool says check phone or dll and that the device model is different.

I've also tried using the LG flash tool 2014 to flash the kdz file witch I got from the link with the imei - first it says cant connect that shuts down after couple attempts.

Dont know how to fix this problem :confused::(

Any suggestions?

from xda-developers


Google Voice when screen off

Can you use google voice when the screen off?

It might not be possible because of the Exyos processor


from xda-developers


Oxygen OS-CM 12S?

Anyone going to be working on these as ports when they come out?

from xda-developers


Help me pls my gt-I9301I wont charge

Hi all pls help me i had installed the cm-12 lollipop on my s3 neo. I have been using it for a month without any problem but yesterday it started crashing so I installed the stock rom and it was okay it charged as normal but it didn't recognize it at the pc as USB it only charged so I decided to restart the phone and when I connected it again it didn't charge or recognize it as USB plus help

Sent from my GT-I9301I using XDA Free mobile app

from xda-developers


lundi 30 mars 2015

[Q] Multiple fingers for fingerprint scanner

Are there any performance implications of using multiple fingers with the scanner as opposed to just one?

from xda-developers


Stock recovery gone

Anybody know why I'm missing recovery since I rooted? I get the little Droid guy with the exclamation point but I can't get recovery to come up.

from xda-developers


[Q] Galaxy Mega GT-i9200 stuck in Boot loop and cannot get to recovery mode

Hello. So as my question states, I have a Galaxy Mega Gt-i9200 that is stuck on a boot loop. I cannot even access recovery mode. Further more what is happening is that it start up booting by showing the "Samsung Galaxy Mega" title and then reboots. Is there any way to fix this problem?

from xda-developers


question about downloading a custom rom

hey guys.. im new to custom roms so bare with my noobiness. my question is i have the s5 sport (G860P) but all the roms say 900i. can i still use those roms?

from xda-developers


[Q] Boot Lock to Prevent Removal of Admins

I use an app lock to prevent unauthorised changes to my device. In particular I want my settings to be locked. I use an app lock that has extra security to prevent it being uninstalled, It makes itself a device admin. I have noticed when I reboot my device there is a 30-40 second window before any app locks tend to kick in. This allows for anyone who soft reboots my phone to gain access to the admin list within this time and deactivate the app locks admin permissions.

Does anyone know how to remove this 40 second window or how to create a boot password that will slow down access to the phone?

Any help is appreciated,


from xda-developers


[FIX] Recover from installing a T-Mobile ROM

If you managed to flash your VS980 with a D801 ROM you might be wondering how to get the unit stopping from boot looping.

Unfortunately, the fix @ will not work because the two pins which need to be shorted are ALREADY shorted. You may infact damage the unit by doing this.

There is a simpler way. Use the TOT method. However at first this will not work because the are setup to be the D801 type and will not accept a VS980 tot. You'll infact get a CrossDL error.

To recover a VS980 TOT into a D80x 'Download Mode' you need to download a VS980 TOT and modify 4 bytes to trick it into thinking the TOT is a D801 type. Using HxD or a similar hex editor, do a single search for: " VVS980" without quotes in the TOT file.

Modify it to read "VD801(00)" where (00) is hex 00 as the VS980 is 5 characters we need to replace it with only 4 characters of D801, but will need to add another hex byte, so use 00.

You'll now be able to perform a TOT and reload the ROM without a CrossDL error. It's sorta useful if you're trying to get the TMobile SIM into working on a Verizon mobile.

You'll also need to bypass the Verizon activation which you can do here

Hope it saves you time!


from xda-developers


[Q] Moto X Stock Firmware

Have been looking for Moto X stock firmware for US Cellular every link i find is broken. I want to flash custom rom and recovery but want to be able to go back to stock if needed. any help would be great

from xda-developers


[Q] Run RDX Tool? SM-T230NU Won't Boot

My tablet is stuck on a black screen when I turn it on that says "Power Upload Reason:Power Key" and below that "H/W Revision : 0.3". If I plug it into my computer, "RUN RDX TOOL" shows up on the black screen. A wipe with twrp did this. Is my tablet dead? Is there anyway to fix this?

from xda-developers


Move back to 4.4.4 after upgrade to 5.0.2?

Hey guys. Quick question for you:

I am thinking about doing the OTA upgrade to Lollipop tonight. If it doesn't work out well, is there any way that I can "downgrade" my D5803 back to 4.4.4? And if so, how? The one thing I have loved about the KitKat build is the stability.

Let me know and thanks ahead of time!

from xda-developers


[REQUEST] a ROM for 64-bit models A11_UL

I have bricked my Desire 510. I need a ROM to flash through philz touch recovery, if some one in Australia has this device with philz touch can you please make a backup in the recovery and then post it to me! Its my last hope because no RUUs are working.

Either that or make me a ROM that is for the Australian telstra 64-bit model :) maybe some ome can teach me how to create and compile it my self.

from xda-developers


please help in my decision

I am about to pick up a nexus 6 and was seeing a lot of issues with the battery life. Does cm12 extend it or is it the same as stock? 2-4 hours aint that long. Im a huge fan of nexus but if it doesnt pass a decent amount of batt life im leaning towards a note 4 edge. Please guys some info. Thanks

from xda-developers


Ugh. Can't believe I'm making this thread

I'm on a Kindle Fire HDX 7" that originally ran GGOW's older roms and safestrap.

I am now trying to put CM12 on the unit and have brought it back to factory specs.

I am version 3.2.5 firmware

I have tried to downgrade by placing older version firmwares on the kindle root and running the manual update.....this leads to 'verify failed' error.

I have been reading this site for 2 weeks to find the proper method for downgrading and haven't been able to accomplish it yet.

I am on a Mac, not Windows.

Reaching out to the community in general, I've tried to help myself and not bother anyone, I'm not succeeding.

Thanks for your generosity beforehand.


from xda-developers


I need some help /guidance

Just picked up my tab s pro t-700 last night off cl for a good price, guy offered to unroot it but it didn't matter to me.

It has the twrp recovery

And today I went to flash from some very bare bones little to none application rom to a stock rooted version which bricked me good.

The zip file wouldn't flash either way (zipped or unzipped) and I figured I'd shoot myself in the foot further by rebooting without a os or system (I think it said installed)

Stuck at the boot screen, I managed to get into bootloader where it tells me downloading but it's been awhile and I figured it wasn't downloading anything anyway.

So can I get pointed to the where I need to be to download the stock rooted rom? And what to do just in case; because the ones I've tried resulted in this and I'm guessing everyone just calls the s pro the pro version.

Also been years since I've used / posted here so yeah yeah yeah search search search but I need that little extra personal help this time.

Sent from my SM-N900T using XDA Free mobile app

from xda-developers


Galaxy core gt-i8260 cant install custom rom-help

Hello guys . So my device is galaxy core gt-i8260 , the problem is that i cant install custom rom ! any custom rom !!! I have tryed many roms and got nothink .

So here is the problem . I have TWRP Recovery installed and i try to install this roms :

But after install complete and trying to reboot device i get a msg "No OS Installed! Are you sure you wish to reboot?" and of course the phone dont boot.

In command line i have no errors during installation but after i have E:Unable to mount '/system


(after system format )

Instaling '/external_sd/' . . .

Checking for MD5 file . . .

Skipping MD5 check :no MD5 file found !

Test Build For i8262

Formatting system . . .

Install SYSTEM . . .

Creating system links . . .

Install BOOT . . .

Install DATA . . .


Updating partition details . . .

E:Unable to mount '/system '

The secont is that i had a better idea to try to make install from pc . so i found a tut with a SP Flash Tool but here is an another problem . Flash tool need scatter file , and i cant get this scatter file .

I tryed with MtkDroidTools got there error msg


--->>> Connect to device <<<---

--- ERROR : --- TotalBytesPerChunk Not Found. Set default Page/Spare=2048/64 !!!

--- Unknown ROM structure, backup NOT possible!

After root Blocks Map show a blank list .

ADB method not working , i get this :

# cat /proc/mtd

cat /proc/mtd

dev: size erasesize mame


Tryed with cat /proc/emmc

: No such file or directory

After that i tryed with terminal emulator in my device and results was the same .

So after almost a week of search i got nothink and i am back in @@@@ stock rom .

So please help me and dont know what else to do !!!
:crying: :crying: :crying:

Phone info:

Hardware : QCT

Model : GT-I8260

Build number : JZO54K.I8260XXAML3

Build date UTC : 20131226-085303

Android v : 4.1.2

Baseband v: I8260XXAMJ2

Kernel v : 3.4.0-1496882-user (dpi@DELL149) (gcc version 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Thu Dec 26 18:04:18 KST 2013

Uboot build v : -----

LCD Driver IC : -----

from xda-developers



So everyone is doing these water and drop tests on the s6 edge, and it is looking pretty good but no one has done them on the regular s6. What part of the durability will carry over? As well, someone mentioned that the s6 edge is "splash resistant" but I cannot find any evidence of this aside from their one blog entry during water testing. Any ideas?

from xda-developers


Moto G stock bootloop - Not mine so really need help!

Hi all

My girlfriend's sister got a Moto G 2014 this past Christmas.

It's unlocked, and I THINK she already got the 5.0 upgrade.

Yesterday she dropped the phone into me as "all of a sudden it stopped working"

The phone is bootloopin. The white Motorola powered by Android screen will come up, it buzzes, and restarts the phone.

The battery ran out by itself,but that made no difference.

Put the phone on the charger, pressed the power button after a while and same thing happened.

Only difference is that now every now and again it also shows the 0% empty battery screen.

Read around here somewhere about getting into the recovery and wiping the cache partition might solve this, but the button combinations I've seen online (pwr+up/dwn or pwr+up) don't seem to be working.

AND to make it worse, she obviously has no receipt for this.

So please... any ideas?

from xda-developers


Got my Gold M9 today with see through back case

Pretty cool got to protect this baby right out of the box.

from xda-developers


Overheating, S Tab 8.4 WiFi, Stock Rom and Stock Kernel

Hello everybody. My Tab S is warming up a bit. On the right, near infrared heat a little and sometimes bothers when I make use of the device. Recently installed an App that measures the temperature of the CPU and is floating on the screen in real time. Usually the temperature is between 55 ° C to 75 ° C. Has reached the 85 ° C when I accessed the web and pdf with Multiwindow I wonder if this behavior is normal and if not, I wonder if it is harmful to aparalho. I've done several flash roms and kernels, both stock as TW Skyhigh. I noticed that the temperature changes abruptly when one (s) core A7 exchange with a A15 and the clock shall be greater than 1300MHz, using the four A15 cores. I've lost the warranty, so I can not return it, so my main question is whether this behavior will be harmful in the long run the Tab. Heartfelt thanks :)

from xda-developers


[Q] [help] how to fix " has stopped" ?


how to fix " has stopped" ?

kitkat 4.4.2 & kitkat 4.4.4 + flash still not recovered..

from xda-developers


[Q] install B125SP01


how install update B125SP01 on C00B123 ? :confused:

Version: B125SP01


File size: 1.17GB

Source code

Version: Mate7,kernel.tar.gz

MD5: 0F3AAFD9B7B136993DF3C29D9D31C43A

File size:215.79MB

from xda-developers


XT 912 Wont Charge


I have a XT 912 that has a cracked screen and probably a bad digitizer that will show the splash screen when I plug it in, then it goes to the battery charging screen.

It will go from 0% then 5% then to 100%.

Then it will say 100% then i unplug it then it does the exact same thing.

The phone also wont boot up from this state either.

I multimetered the battery, when it is plugged in it reads 4.35v, then when not plugged in itll go from the ~3.8 and the voltage just drops fast.

Is there anything that I can do to get the battery to charge? or at least get the phone to boot up?

from xda-developers



Has anyone been able to install xposed?

from xda-developers


[Q] Anyone find the touch key light disable option?

Title says it all, I've been looking for a good hour or so.

Regarding the SM-G920T.

from xda-developers


[Q] Issue with Root Duration

Hey guys, I didn't see anyone ask this question explicitly but if it has been stickied somewhere and I just overlooked it I apologize.

Basically I've flashed several different root images using Mofo root and they work for the most part minus one small aspect. After some duration of time (I'm not sure exactly how long but maybe from an hour to a few hours), root apps will basically stop functioning. If I go into supersu, I just get a loading circle that never gets anywhere. I've tried force closing it and disabling/reenabling superuser but that hasn't worked. Some apps continue to function (Gravitybox custom tiles, WiFi Tether, Seeder) but others do not start up properly (TiBackup for example gets stuck at the loading screen where it says asking for root privileges and tasker secure setting profiles return an error). Only a hard reboot will properly restore root but then the same issue occurs where after a while I have to continue to hard reboot once root stops functioning.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

from xda-developers


Flappy bird on the play store?!?!?!?!?!??!

Hello!! Im new Here

I just found out that...

LAPPY BIRD IS ON THE PLAY STORE!?!?!?!?!??! :laugh:

Here it is: (In Comments)

from xda-developers


Galaxy S6 edge drop, water and nutcracker tests

from xda-developers


Custom Bootanimation won't finish

Hi all,

I have a specific question for you all.

I made a Custom Bootanimation for Xperia. I've made one before and it worked (Xperia Circle Animation).

Now, when I copy the file to /system/media and I reboot, the animation starts, the phone starts up (so no soft brick or something like that, the problem is with the bootanimation), but the animation keeps HANGING :/ I did everything correctly (I think). Set root permissions, when zipping set mode to 'store',etc....

It uses the exact same desc.txt as my previous anymation that worked, work method was the exact same way and I just made a different animation.

I'm tired of searching and not finding anything on the XDA fora, so I was hoping someone could help me?

I provided the animation 720p below. I hope someone could help because I'm out of Ideas.

(Download a random working flashable bootanimation, copy it to sd card. If you too have Hanging problem, go to recovery, flash the zip and phone will boot normally.)

Thank you in advance,


Attached Files

File Type: zip Liquid - [Click for QR Code] (14.68 MB)

from xda-developers


Boot anime and Sounds

Can someone post s6 boot animation- shot down animation and sound files of it. Thanks in regards.


from xda-developers


[Q] Kyocera Brigadier (Verizon) Updating while Overseas using Verizon SIM

I want to update, and I am not looking to root the phone etc.

I am happy to get a Verizon SIM sent over and use it to do the update. I assume that the update download itself happens over wifi, and that the SIM/network access is only going to be used to authorise it.

Can anyone give me some clues about which of these 3 scenarios below is likely to be true, before I go getting a sim.

1) It just needs a verizon sim installed. Both the authorisation and download will update over wifi, even if the sim has no credit and doesn't have global roaming, and even if the phone doesn't have cellular coverage.

2) It needs to be connected to the (overseas) cell network and have working data access , using a verizon sim.

2a) must have global roaming enabled

2b) need to have credit for XX MB of data?

3) It needs to be actually connected to the verizon network itself, in the USA.


If 1) then I get an old sim off ebay with no credit and no working account

if 2) I get a prepay sim from verizon posted over. Can I activate it outside usa, or I need to get it pre-activated in USA?

if 3) I'm screwed, and I have to physically sent the phone back to USA to update. Will a verizon store will the upgrade it for me, if I get someone to take it in?

from xda-developers


Condensation on front camera


Installed a spigen screen protector and now condensation on the INSIDE of the front camera. It was not even that wet. So much for the waterproof video... mine must have a leak.

Had it for 6 hrs...

from xda-developers


[Q] XBMC/Kodi for Android

Similar to how you can run OpenELEC or Raspbmc on a Raspberry Pi, and have an OS completely dedicated to XBMC, is there a ROM out there that anyone knows of that I can install on my old GS3 that would perform the same functions? Or if not a dedicated ROM, maybe a bare-minimum ROM that I can run XBMC on and leave it running?

I use a Raspberry Pi as a home media center and while it works just fine, it's a bit under-powered and lags when browsing through some of the XBMC addons. Since XBMC and some of the custom builds (including addons) run just fine on Android, I'd like to use my old GS3 as a dedicated media center.

Any ideas are much appreciated!

from xda-developers


[GUIDE] How to Recover from a bad NON-HLOS.bin flash -no sound/phone app unresponsive

Device: i9505 / Qualcomm Snapdragon, locked to T-Mobile UK, went striaght from Samsung Stock ROM to CM11 on purchase in 2013.

Computing Platform: Macbook Pro - OSX Yosemite

Flash tool of choice: Heimdall 1.4.0 - cmd line !!! :)


  • I updated from CM11 to CM12 - no issues. I decided to update to the Radio/Modem to the latest for Lollipop.

  • Went to the relevant thread, downloaded 'I9505XXUHOB8_MODEM_and_I9505_XXUHOB8_WiFi_FIX' which included the modem.bin and the non-hlos.bin files.

  • Flashed via Heimdall on the cmd line, all went ok.

  • Booted the phone, wifi ok, cell data transfer ok, BUT no sound (touch sounds ok, no ring tone, or ringer adjustment tones), phone app unresponsive - very laggy, forced reboot, no sound on calls :(

  • Tried other touted solution of mixing and matching various versions of modem and non-hlos - no luck.

Aim: Fix issue without having to ReFlash stock ROM - after all its only two files that caused an issue, just needed to know why?

After a lot of googling and searching xda, I got nowhere, only option seemed to be flash stock FW.

Started reading a lot around the modem.bin and non-hlos.bin - seemed not much info about at high level for the non-hlos.bin; began reading in depth about flashing and boot-loaders.

Solution: the modem.bin and non-hlos-bin that are flashed need an associated (or close) version of the bootloader of the same!

I downloaded the BL_I9505XXUHOB8_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT (also tested with BL_I9505XXUHOB7_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT which worked fine with the above XXUHOB8 modem and non-hlos!)

Untarred all into a single folder/directory ie XXUHOB8 :

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 12147712 26 Feb 09:23 NON-HLOS.bin ----> XXUHOB8 MODEM binary

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 52304896 26 Feb 09:23 modem.bin ----> XXUHOB8 NON-HLOS binary

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 1313312 25 Feb 16:45 aboot.mbn ----> XXUHOB8 Bootloader Files

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 153696 25 Feb 16:45 rpm.mbn ----> XXUHOB8 Bootloader Files

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 94772 25 Feb 16:44 sbl1.mbn ----> XXUHOB8 Bootloader Files

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 152168 25 Feb 16:44 sbl2.mbn ----> XXUHOB8 Bootloader Files

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 270664 25 Feb 16:45 sbl3.mbn ----> XXUHOB8 Bootloader Files

-rwx------@ 1 myusername staff 217068 25 Feb 16:45 tz.mbn ----> XXUHOB8 Bootloader Files

  • I inspected the .PIT file, determined the order (may not be necessary, but I was unclear, so...),

  • put phone into download mode (from complete power off, Volume Up & Home & Power button, then release power button and press Volume Up to proceed)

  • and then ran the following:


heimdall flash --APNHLOS NON-HLOS.bin --MDM modem.bin --SBL1 sbl1.mbn --SBL2 sbl2.mbn --SBL3 sbl3.mbn --ABOOT aboot.mbn --RPM rpm.mbn --TZ tz.mbn --verbose --no-reboot

  • Turned the phone off by holding the power button.

  • Then back into download mode

  • Next I reflashed CF-Auto-Root using heimdall - again untarred to a folder:

-rw-r--r--@ 1 myusername staff 9199616 7 Aug 2014 recovery.img ----> CF-Auto-Root Recovery Image

-rw-r--r--@ 1 myusername staff 17330396 7 Aug 2014 cache.img.ext4 ----> CF-Auto-Root Cache File

  • then flashed using the following:


heimdall flash --RECOVERY recovery.img --CACHE cache.img.ext4 --verbose --no-reboot

  • turned phone off, holding power button.

  • Then booted into Recovery (Volume Up & Power)

  • CF-Auto-Root took over and did its thing.

At this stage I had lost custom recovery to Samsung Stock Recovery, so to get it back, again using Heimdall...

  • unaterred CWM Touch into a folder:

-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 myusername staff 8878080 29 Feb 2008 recovery.img ----> CWM Image file

  • Powered off completely.

  • Back into Download mode

  • then flashed as per:


heimdall flash --RECOVERY recovery.img --verbose --no-reboot

  • Turned off completely using power button.

  • Then booted into recovery to check that CWM was back, and it was.

  • Whilst in CWM, wiped the cache and Dalvik, refalshed my CM12 nightly, and rebooted.

ALL FIXED! and all without having to reflash stock!


Peace to all.

from xda-developers


[Q] Can't reboot into fastboot mode


I'm trying to install TWRP on my SM-P900 and I can't get it to boot into fastboot mode. I have the Samsung USB drivers and the latest Android SDK installed on my Windows 8.1 machine, USB debugging enabled on the device, and the device appears when I run "adb devices". When I run "adb reboot bootloader", the device just does a normal reboot. This is my first time doing anything with custom recovery or ROMs, so I'm not sure what the problem is or what to do next. Any suggestions?


from xda-developers


[Q]Cannot boot into Recovery

Hello guys, yesterday I've got installed iHackers rom on my Z1. After that I changed my mind, and wanted to install another rom, but here's I've got a problem. When i turned off my phone, and turn on it I don't have any LED Light. I've tried a lot of times to get into recovery, but I cant. I installed new TWRP by NUT, but it doesn't work. Please help guys! :(

from xda-developers


[Q] Is there a compatibility mode for 5.1 Lolipop?

I found a thread of similar title, but didn't want to hijack it.

I have a Nexus 6 xt1103 running Chroma 3/27 build 5.1 Lollipop. The app in question is SUFBS 3.86. Yes, it is an old one. But IMHO it is better than most if not all the other root file explorer apps out there. It worked OK on stock rooted 5.0.1 on my phone. And it probably works fine on this ROM, but I just cannot get it to look right. I did some searching and there was some talk of using the old Spare Parts app and disable compatibility mode to make it look right. Well Spare Parts is out of date as well, sort of. I don't want to spend $2.49 on another outdated app to just see if it will fix the view for this other app I already spent money on.

Here's a screenshot for what it's worth:

If anyone is familiar with SUFBS, you can see that most of the features are no longer accessible.


from xda-developers


Obliq's Up to 80% off Limited Time Deal on the Samsung Cases (Amazon)

I got an email from OBLIQ Amazon on this sale for exclusive buyers/customers and thought I'd share with my fellow Samsung users.

Obliq’s Limited Time Deal on the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 4, Nexus 6 cases starting from $4.99 with the promotional codes listed below. (Up to 80% off!)

Shipping is Free.

Until supplies last. Limited Quantity.

Sale items:

Galaxy S6 Cases

Slim Meta (promo code V9X9ZD8E)

Dual Poly Bumper (promo code I7HSHRCH)

Skyline Advance (promo code RGDFI99B)

Naked Shield (promo code CTPX2YSB)

Galaxy S6 Edge

Slim Meta (promo code B5CRGPOC)

Dual Poly Bumper (promo code B9CYQB5F)

Naked Shield (promo code HEL9Z7OY)

Galaxy S5

Xtreme Pro (promo code YOIQZ3JQ)

Skyline Pro (promo code YOIQZ3JQ)

Galaxy Note 4

Slim Meta (promo code ZLE7X9X6)

Flex Pro (promo code IEQXMS7M)

Skyline Pro (promo code EEGJ4AD2)

Nexus 6

Flex Pro (promo code S9749UZC)

from xda-developers


Beeping alarm !!


i hope this is not a repeated topic.

i want to set and alarm but when want to chose a ringtone or a music as my alarm sound it just beeps and the real tone or music dose not play can someone tell me what is the issue ?:rolleyes:

from xda-developers


Pie apps

Hi, can someone please suggest a good pie app? I'm after something simple that won't take long to get set up.

Sent from my Nexus 5

from xda-developers


Non-Verizon ROM registering to Verizon network

My DD is PAC-Rom that was ported over (thanks to Mod57). So i thought I could try to port over Liquid ROM myself. I got it flashed to my phone, and everything seems okay except it will not register to the Verizon network. Even after editing the APN. Is there a file I might need to edit w/in the system (or ROM)?

from xda-developers


Rwatch M28 Experience and suggestions

Eih guys, I've just buy a rwatch M28 and now I'm looking around to take as much infos as I can.

At this moment I know the last firmware version is (downloadable from a thread talking about U8 and M28 and the best apk to use is mediateksmartdevice.apk but there is the m28-app.apk around the web.

I have a Blackberry q10 10.3 and I will let you how it works (if I will get the watch without problems I'll be able to test it in a month).

Do you guys has any experience want to write?

Do you guys think apk mentioned are ok?

from xda-developers


Nexus 4 - Navigationbar/height?

Hello all,

My Nexus 4 is gonna be old now..

I have an problem with the navigationbar/softbar it doens't response anymore, also after reset, another rom, etc, still don't work, some times it works for 1 of 2 minutes.

So, I would like to UP my navigationbar like the picture below for example.

So that I can still use the Navigationbar. How do I do this? Phone is rooted, DPI change don't help.

I would like to have that right example, is that possible?

Thanks in Advance

from xda-developers


Root for not 3 lte lollipop

How can i make root for note 3 lollipop (LRX21V.N9005XXUGBOB6)

SM-N9005 32GB

from xda-developers


[Q] Running Signed APKs from Android Studio


  • I have two build types: release and debug.

  • I have two flavors: full and demo.


I am using Build->Generate Signed APK… to compile and build a release version of Demo/Release. That goes fine. However, I can't figure out how to run the resulting APK from within Android Studio. More specifically, using the "Run" command (with the Build Variant value set to the desired variant) causes the following error:
app-demo-release-unsigned.apk is not signed. Please configure the signing information for the selected flavor using the Project Structure dialog.

I get this error despite the fact that there *is* an app-demo-release.apk also (i.e., a signed version). In fact, I get that same error whether or not either APK (app-demo-release.apk, app-demo-release-unsigned.apk) exists. (Note: I specifically do not add signing information to the Project Structure dialog, as suggested, because I don't want to have my passwords stored in build.gradle or in environment variables.)

How can I run a release app, as generated with Build->Generate Signed APK…, from within Android Studio? Alternatively, how can I specify where to find the APK I would like to have deployed (e.g., as part of the Run/Debug Configuration)? (Note that setting the Build Variant value doesn't fully specify the APK.)



from xda-developers


[Q] data roaming not working

Brand new moto e 2015, doesn't want to data roam. Same sim in nexus 5 roams just fine. I believe I have all the settings correct on the moto e, double and triple checked them. Stock ROM, stock everything

Makes and receives calls, just no data

Any suggestions? TIA

from xda-developers


[Q] Nexus 7 2013 lte won't update to lollipop

Nexus 7, rooted, has multirom installed

about tablet:

android 4.4.4

Baseband version


Kernel version


tassadar@nymeria #214

Thu Jun 5 13:00:39 CEST 2014

Build number


The problem:

When the update to 5.0.2 came out OTA and appeared in my notifications, I downloaded it and tried to install it. The 5.0.2 update won't install on my Nexus 7.

Possible reasons for the failure:

A) Google pushed to wrong update to my device (unlikely)

B) Multirom is interfering. I suspect multirom is the culprit because I have another device, a phone with multirom on it, that wouldn't update. After uninstalling multirom, it updated.

C) The fact that my Nexus 7 is rooted is causing the update to fail.

My first attempt at fixing the problem was to uninstall multirom. Couldn't make it uninstall. I have downloaded the uninstaller from and it didn't work. I looked elsewhere and found another uninstaller, which also didn't work. Flashing from TWRP recovery, or using flashify, never succeeds even after many tries.

If would like to remove multirom from my Nexus 7 but at this point would need expert guidance to have any chance of success.

I am willing to flash my device back to stock, if that is the only way. I have the wugfresh toolkit on my computer but I am enough of a noob that I'm kind of afraid something will go wrong. Will going back to stock fix my problem? I just want the update to Lollipop.

Based on expert opinion, what is the next step in troubleshooting/fixing this problem?

from xda-developers