Since its debut last year in May, Realme has slowly secured a spot for itself among the top five smartphone companies in India. The company has launched a wide array of Android devices, spanning across various price brackets. When it comes to hardware specifications, Realme almost always offers a good back for your buck. But on the software front, the company’s ColorOS Android skin (which it shares with its parent company Oppo) isn’t all that great. However, the company aimed to change that with RealmeOS. Earlier this year in August, Realme’s CEO Madhav Sheth confirmed that the company was working on RealmeOS and the new Android skin was expected to roll out this year. But now it seems like Realme has shelved the idea.
In the latest episode of AskMadhav, Sheth revealed that Realme will continue to provide ColorOS on its smartphones. However, he added that the company has planned some major changes for ColorOS 7 specifically for Realme devices. While Sheth didn’t elaborate on these changes, he did mention that ColorOS 7 for Realme devices will be close to stock Android, which is something several users have been demanding for quite some time.
As of now, we have no information from the company regarding the update schedule for ColorOS 7. However, when asked about the ColorOS 6.0.1 update for Realme devices, Sheth said, “why 6.0.1, let’s directly roll out ColorOS 7”. Since ColorOS 6.0.1 is already available for the Realme XT and Realme 5, this statement leads us to believe that the ColorOS 7 rollout is just around the corner. It’s also worth noting that Realme is expected to release the Realme X2 Pro in India next month and the company might roll out the new software experience with its first true flagship device. Additionally, Sheth also mentioned that the company might consider launching a VOOC fast charging power bank if there’s enough demand.
The post ColorOS 7 for Realme phones will be closer to stock Android appeared first on xda-developers.
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