Late last month at an event in China, Xiaomi launched the Mi 9 Pro 5G, an upgraded version of its flagship Mi 9. The device featured some impressive specifications, including a Snapdragon 855+ SoC, 12GB of RAM and 512GB of storage. It also featured a vapor chamber-style heat sink made out of copper and support for 40-watt fast charging. The device is available for all three 5G-enabled carriers in China, with support for N41, N78, and N79 frequency bands. To ensure unhindered 5G reception, the device also includes seven antennas. Now, in order to support third-party development, Xiaomi has released the kernel source code for the Mi 9 Pro 5G’s Android Pie release.
The timely kernel source code release will allow developers and power users to dive deeper into the code that runs the device. This will help them figure out different ways to improve the Mi 9 Pro 5G’s overall performance and capabilities. Kernel source releases are also helpful for custom ROM development, which in turn benefits users who aren’t satisfied with the stock ROM, MIUI 11 in this case. With the release of the kernel sources for the Mi 9 Pro 5G, we expect to see a major boost in third-party development for the device.
Kernel Sources for the Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G
Xiaomi has a decent track record of releasing kernel sources for its devices. The company has previously released kernel sources for the Redmi Note 8, Redmi Note 8 Pro (MediaTek variant), Redmi K20, and Redmi 7A.
The post Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G kernel source code is now available appeared first on xda-developers.
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