
mardi 26 avril 2016

Increase volume of your Xperia

First of all your device has to be ROOTED and you should to have installed "Root Explorer"

1.- Open your App "Root Explorer"
2.-Go to System->ETC and search for "Mixer_paths.xml" file
3.- Keep pushing untill it shows you a menu, slide down untill "Edit" option and click
4.- Slide down and look for "HEADPHONES" and change "HPHL Volume" value "19" to "20" and "HPHR Volume" value "19" to "20"
"R1X Digital Volume" Value="84" to 94" and "R2X Digital Volume" Value="84" to "94"
5.- Slide down and look for "HEADPHONES - REGULATION" and do the same change "HPHL Volume" value "19" to "20" and "HPHR Volume" value "19" to "20"
"R1X Digital Volume" Value="76" to 94" and "R2X Digital Volume" Value="76" to 94"
6.- Click in options and save it and then exit, make sure your settings are saved, if it creates a new file called "mixer_paths.xml.bak means that you did it correctly, and restart your phone and enjoy of your new sound louder, works for speaker and headphones.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: photostudio_1461701402881.jpg Views: N/A Size: 251.5 KB ID: 3731640   Click image for larger version Name: photostudio_1461701451408.jpg Views: N/A Size: 136.6 KB ID: 3731641  

from xda-developers

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